Business Summary
Wafra International Investment Co (Wafra) is a Kuwait-based shareholding closed company that is principally engaged in the provision of financial portfolios and funds management services in the local and international markets. The Company provides several investment related services, including investing and trading shares in the Gulf Countries and Arabian markets; managing different types of financial portfolios such as stocks, bonds, certificate deposits, treasury notes and others; managing different types of investment funds; managing different types of investment funds; preparing and managing public and private offerings in both local and Arabian markets; conducting studies and specialized analytical research covering local and Arabian markets as well as providing margin financing. The Company owns and manages several investment funds including Fajir Fund, Wafra Equity Fund, and Wafra Bond Fund.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Twin Tower, Al-Murqab Soor Street, P.O. Box 27635 Safat
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