Business Summary
Ibdar Bank BSCC, formerly Elaf Bank BSCC (Elaf Bank), is a Bahrain-based Islamic wholesale investment bank. The Bank’s principal activities, along with its subsidiaries, include investment advisory services and investment transactions, which comply with Islamic rules and principles. The Bank delivers a range of products and services within private equity, capital markets and real estate to clients, including government agencies, financial institutions, corporations and families and high net-worth individuals across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region and beyond. The Bank’s activities include: Private Equity, which focuses on equity investments and provides capital to develop a range of business enterprises; Real Estate, which provides real estate development opportunities; Capital Markets, which develops sukuk portfolios based on the risk profile and goals of each individual investor, and Shariah Advisory. The Bank also provides corporate finance advisory.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
P.o.box 1001, Al Zaml Building, Sixth floor, Al Khalifa Avanue
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