Business Summary
RUAG International Holding AG, formerly RUAG Holding AG, is a Switzerland-based company active in the aerospace and defense industry. The Company operates in four business divisions: Space, Aerostructures, MRO International and Ammotec. Space division offers a portfolio of electronic and mechanical products for launch vehicles and satellites. The Space division is further divided into three product groups Electronics, Spacecraft and Launchers. The Aerostructures division develops, manufactures and assembles aircraft structural parts, in particular entire fuselage sections, wing and control surface components. MRO International is an independent provider, supervisor and integrator of systems and components for civil and military aviation worldwide. It also manufactures Dornier 228, an aircraft for special missions as well as passenger and cargo transport. Ammotec is a provider of small-caliber ammunition, pyrotechnic elements and components.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
Bahnhofplatz 10b
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