Business Summary
SRH NV is a Netherlands-based financial services provider engaged in banking and insurance. The Company focuses on product Dutch savings, mortgage, property finance, insurance and pensions markets. Its brands are SNS Bank, which offers banking and insurance products; ASN Bank, which offers savings accounts, current accounts, investments and asset management; RegioBank, which offers mortgages, savings, current accounts, loans and investments; BLG Hypoteken, which offers mortgages; REAAL, which offers life, non-life and disability insurance, among others; Zwitserleven, which offers pension insurance; Proteq Dier & Zorg, offering accident and health insurance for dogs and cats;, which offers non-life and funeral insurance, and Route Mobiel offering road assistance services. Its customers primarily comprise small and medium-sized enterprises.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Postbus 8444
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