Business Summary
Oyster Properties Development Corporation LLC, formerly Omniyat Property Development Corporation, is a United Arab Emirates-based private real estate investment and development company. The Company’s activities are categorized into Pre-Development, Development and Construction, and Operations, providing integrated real estate and investment projects management, investment and development management, finance and accounting, legal, marketing, leasing and sales, project management, facility management and technology-based infrastructure services. Its major projects includes The Opus commercial tower, One Business Bay, The Square residential and commercial complex, The Pad residential tower, the Octavian storey, as well as the Gemini, Binary and Bayswater Commercial towers. In addition, Omniyat cooperates for architectural consultancy with several firms, which includes Zaha Hadid, Foster + Partners, James Law Cybertecture, Dubarch, Akriplan, ARC-IF and King Consult.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
P.O.Box 121926 Bur Dubai Oud Metha,, S.B: 121926 Bur Dubai Oud Maytha
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