Business Summary
MB Petroleum Services LLC (MBPS), a subsidiary of MB Holding Company LLC, is an Oman-based multinational company active in the provision of oilfield drilling and integrated oil well services. The Company provides different types of services related to oilfield operations, including drilling services, workover and well services, well testing, coiled tubing, nitrogen and pumping services, drilling fluids, mud logging, wireline services, completion services, research and development, and equipment maintenance, repair and support. It operates in Oman and over 12 countries, with offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. The Company's subsidiaries include Petrogas E&P LLC, and United Engineering Services LLC. MBPS, along with its subsidiaries, provides drilling and integrated well services in different countries such as Australia, Austria, China, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
P.O.Box 695, CPO Seeb
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