Business Summary
Al Khaleej Sugar Co LLC (AKS) is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the production and marketing of white refined sugar, raw sugar and sugar syrup, which is used for animal feed. AKS produces three types of refined sugar: Fine, Extra Fine and Coarse Sugar. The refinery, with a production capacity of 4,800 million tons of refined sugar, is located in Jebel Ali Port to serve the Middle East, Asian Sub-Continent, African and Far East markets. AKS products are exported to 40 countries, including the regional countries in the Arabian Gulf Region. AKS market segments include the specialized beverages desk, industrial sector, international state tenders and trade houses.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
Al Fajir Business Center Building 3rd floor, The airport road Opposite to Aramex premises;, P.O.Box 14415 Garhoud Deira
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