Business Summary
Al Futtaim Engineering Company LLC, a member of the Al Futtaim Group, is a United Arab Emirates-based engineering company, offering a variety of products and services in the construction, commercial and industrial sectors. The Company operates through 7 divisions which are: Elevators, offering complete support services including design, installation and maintenance; Building Products, which creates tailor made solutions for interior furnishing needs; Security & LV Systems, offering integrated security systems to electronic article surveillance; Scaffolding & Form Work, which involves sales contracts, equipment hire, suspended-access and formwork; MEP Projects, responsible for mechanical, electrical and plumbing installation and maintenance; Air Conditioning Division, in charge for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning for various segments; and MEP Maintenance division, which deals with mechanical, electrical and plumbing sales.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
P.O.Box 159
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