Business Summary
GlobalPharma Co LLC is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the pharmaceutical industry. The Company’s product categories include antibiotics, NSAIDs/Analgesics, Nutritional supplements, gastro-intestinal, antihistamines/cough and cold, anti-diabetics, cardio-vascular, gynecological, and in licensed products. Its production facility has two production plants: Penicillin Plant, dedicated to Penicillin products with different dosage forms which include tablets, capsules and dry suspension, and General Plant, dedicated to the production of non-beta lactam antibiotic formulations including different types of antibiotics and other general pharmaceutical products. The annual production capacity of the facility encompasses 300 million tablets, 150 million capsules and over 7 million liters of dry suspension and liquids. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubai Investment Industries.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
P.O. Box 72168
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