Business Summary
Al Mal Capital PSC is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the investment sector. Its service portfolios include, Corporate Advisory Service, which offers several advisory services such as solutions for mergers and acquisitions, capital raising solutions including, initial public offering (IPO), private placements, secondary offerings and rights issues, and solution for business planning and corporate strategy; Investment Management Service, which provides through its software platform, with investment opportunity in equities, fixed income, derivatives, commodities and currencies, and Direct Investments Service, which offers direct investment opportunity in various sectors and markets especially in real estate and mid-sized businesses in the (Gulf Cooperation Council) GCC.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
48 Burj Gate, Downtown, Sheikh Zayed Road, Office 901, P.O. Box 119930
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