Business Summary
Bank Negara Malaysia is a statutory body wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia. The Bank reports to the Minister of Finance, Malaysia and keeps the Minister informed of matters pertaining to monetary and financial sector policies. It is responsible for bringing about financial system stability and fostering a sound and progressive financial sector. The Bank also plays a developmental role, including development of financial system infrastructure with major emphasis placed on building the nation's efficient and secured payment systems, as well as the necessary institutions (including Securities Commission, Bursa Malaysia and Credit Guarantee Corporation), which are important towards building a financial system. The roles of the Bank are supported by 39 departments/units in the Bank covering seven functional areas: economics and monetary policy; investment and operations, regulation, payment systems, supervision, organizational development, and communications.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Level 2A, Jalan Dato Onn
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