Business Summary
Solenis, LLC is a United States-based manufacturer of specialty chemicals. The Company's product portfolio includes a range of process, functional and water treatment chemistries as well as monitoring and control systems. Its offerings include process solutions, such as bio refining process aids, corrosion inhibitors, defoamers, mining and mineral processing aids, and scale inhibitors; pulp and paper solutions, such as contaminant control agents, pulp mill additives, retention and drainage aids, sizing agents, strength additives, surface treatments and tissue making additives; water treatment solutions, such as raw water treatments, boiler water treatments, cooling water treatments, wastewater treatments and recovery boiler treatments, and monitoring and control solutions, such as analyzers, controllers and data management service.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
PO Box 391, 50 E Rivercenter Blvd
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