Business Summary
Abraaj Capital Holdings Limited is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in investment activities. It specializes in private equity investments in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (MENASA). Its private equity investment strategy is to acquire controlling or interests with board representation in stable businesses and create value through operational and financial improvements, management incentives and the use of leverage. The Company manages seven private equity funds: The Abraaj Buyout Fund L.P., The Abraaj Buyout Fund II L.P., The Infrastructure and Growth Capital Fund L.P., The Abraaj Buyout Fund IV L.P., Riyada Enterprise Development, The Abraaj Real Estate Fund L.P. and ASAS. Its other investments include: Air Arabia, Al Borg Laboratories, BMA Capital Management, ENSHAA and Osian’s, among others. Abraaj Capital Holdings Limited operates globally and has offices in the region of Istanbul, Cairo and Riyadh. In 2010 it opened new offices in Palestine.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Unit 617, Level 6, Liberty House,, DIFC, PO Box 504905
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