Business Summary
Nasdaq Dubai Ltd, formerly the Dubai International Financial Exchange or DIFX, is an international stock exchange based in the United Arab Emirates. The Company is active in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey, and the Indian sub-continent. The shareholders of NASDAQ Dubai are Borse Dubai with a two-thirds stake, and NASDAQ OMX Group with one third of the shares. Nasdaq Dubai Ltd provides trading services for a variety of products, which include equities, derivatives, Dubai gold securities, Islamic securities, debt instruments, funds/real estate investment trusts (REITs)/exchange traded funds (ETFs) and structured products based on such indices as Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange (FTSE)/NASDAQ Dubai Indices and HSBC/NASDAQ Dubai Indices.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Level 8, The Exchange (GV 11), Dubai International Financial Centre, P.O.Box:53536
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