Business Summary
International Bank of Qatar (IBQ), formerly known as Grindlays Qatar Bank, is a Qatar-based financial institution that is engaged in the provision of different commercial banking services for individual and corporate clients. The Bank offers its services through four business lines: Personal Banking, Corporate Banking, AlYusr Islamic Banking, and Wealth Management. Personal Banking provides individuals with different retail banking such as accounts and deposits, loans, and credit cards. Corporate Banking offers businesses with services such as loans and finance, trade finance and treasury service. AlYusr Islamic Banking provides different Sharia-Compliant personal and corporate banking solutions. Furthermore, IBQ, through its Wealth Management business line, offers several financial and advisory services, including investments and portfolio managements, trusts, offshore account and international real estate services around the world.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
International Bank of Qatar Building, Suhaim Bin Hamad Street, Al Sadd Area, P.O. Box 2001
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