Business Summary
Al Fardan Group Holding is a Qatar-based group of companies that is engaged, along with its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, in a wide range of activities in different business sectors. It operates through several divisions, including Automobiles, Alfardan Jewellery, Alfardan Exchange, Alfardan Properties, and Alfardan Marine Services. Its Automobile division consists of different sections, such as Alfardan Automobiles, Alfardan Sports Motors, Prestige Cars, Rolls-Royce Motor Car Doha and Alfardan Motorcycles. Alfardan Jewellery division provides different pearl and jewelry products, and watches of different brands, including Piaget, Corum, Vacheron Constantin, Chopard and Harry Winston. Alfardan Exchange division offers various currencies, transfer, exchange rates and stock quotes. Alfardan Properties division provides real estate development of residential and non-residential projects. Alfardan Marine Services offers different types and sizes of boats, yachts and parts.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
Al Funduq Street, West Bay, P.O.Box 9948
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