Business Summary
Al-Ghanim Industries Co WLL is a Kuwait-based multinational conglomerate company engaged through its subsidiaries in different activities covering different business sectors. The Company operates in 40 countries, with more than 30 businesses involved in sectors such as manufacturing of industrial products, specializing in insulation products and steel solutions; engineering - villa solutions (home automation, air-conditioning and elevators); engineering - projects (building management and electro-mechanical solutions); automotive sales and services; retailing in consumer electronics; retailing in home furnishings; fast moving consumable goods - wholesale and distribution; shipping and transportation services; consumer credit; insurance; office automation; advertising and media; talent development; and travel.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
Al Hamra Tower, 71st Floor, Block 8 Sharq, P.O. Box 24172 Safat
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