Business Summary
SSP Group plc is an operator of food and beverage outlets in travel locations worldwide. The Company operate sit-down and quick service restaurants, cafes, lounges and food-led convenience stores, principally in airports and train stations, with a portfolio of more than 550 international, national and local brands. It operates over 600 locations across 37 countries. These include its own brands, such as UrbanCrave, and Nippon Ramen, as well as franchise brands, such as M&S, Starbucks and Burger King. The Company’s segments include North America, Continental Europe, the UK and APAC and EEME. North America includes operations in the United States, Canada and Bermuda. Continental Europe includes operations in the Nordic countries and in Western and Southern Europe. The UK includes operations in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Its APAC and EEME include operations in Asia Pacific, India, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and South America.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
Jamestown Wharf, 32 Jamestown Road
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