Business Summary
McKinsey & Company Inc. is a United States-based global management consulting company. The Company offers solutions, such as McKinsey Analytics, McKinsey Client Learning, McKinsey Digital, McKinsey Implementation, McKinsey Recovery & Transformation Services, and McKinsey Solutions. Its solutions are delivered through a range of support models, including subscriptions, workshops, training programs and project-based engagements. Its featured solutions include McKinsey Academy, Periscope, Organizational Health Index, Wave, Energy Insights and Finalta. It serves private, public and social-sector organizations, including businesses, governments, non-governmental organizations and not-for-profits. Its consultants include medical doctors, engineers, designers, data scientists, business managers, civil servants, entrepreneurs, and research scientists.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
711 Third Avenue, 4th Floor
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