Business Summary
British International Investment PLC is a United Kingdom-based private equity firm. The Company provides capital in various forms, including equity, mezzanine, debt, and guarantees, both directly and through funds and intermediaries. It invests in manufacturing, agribusiness, infrastructure, financial institutions, food processing, manufacturing, construction, health and education sectors. The Company has approximately 159 funds, which are operating in approximately 75 countries around the world. Its portfolio companies include Rainbow Hospitals, Feronia, and Green Infra. The Firm also provides debt finance, such as long-term loans to companies and financial institutions; risk sharing and guarantees in trade finance; debt funds; debt and capital market investments, such as bonds and debentures, and debt mezzanine finance, such as subordinated loans or cash flow based loans.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
123 Victoria Street
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