Business Summary
Assistive Technology Group Inc, doing business as Numotion, is a United States-based company, which provides wheelchairs and other complex mobility equipment. The Company’s product offerings include complex power wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, equipment for children, and standard power wheelchairs and scooters. Its other products are stock and custom seating, standers, gait trainers and specialty walkers, rehab shower chairs, tub transfer benches and other specialty bath equipment, hospital beds and patient lifts, portable ramps and pediatric products. The Company also provides a range of services, including seating and mobility assessment, equipment trials and simulations, insurance billing, delivery, fitting and training, and service and repair.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
Suite 250, 184 Shuman Blvd
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