Business Summary
State Bank of Pakistan is engaged in the monitoring of credit and foreign exchange and management of currency. The Bank's activities include formulating and implementing the monetary policy; facilitation of free competition and stability in the financial system; licensing and supervision of banks, including micro finance banks, development financial institutions; organization and management of the inter-bank settlement system and promotion of smooth functioning of payment systems; providing of loans and advances to the Governments, banks, financial institutions and local authorities under various facilities; purchase, holding and sale of shares of banks and financial institutions on the directives of the Federal Government, and acting as depository of the Government under specific arrangements between the Government and certain institutions. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include SBP Banking Services Corporation and National Institute of Banking and Finance (Guarantee) Limited.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
I.I. Chundrigar Road
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