Business Summary
IFFCO Group is aninternational group based in the United Arab Emirates which manufactures and markets food products, related derivatives, intermediates and services. IFFCO operates through six sectors including: Impulse foods, Iffco Beauty, Agri Business, Oils and fats, Packaging, and IFFCO Sales and Distribution. Impulsive foods comprises products like biscuits, snacks, chocolates, confectionery and ice cream; Iffco Beauty aims for products including: Savannah, Royal Lather, IFFCO Ivy and Eva; Agri Business covers products which includes poultry, animal nutrition, flour, ingredients and frozen foods; Oils and fats has been manufacturing vegetable oils; Packaging offers integrated services including structural design and assistance with concepts and designs. including liners, shipping cartons, die-cut boxes, trays and blanks, micro flutes; IFFCO Sales and Distribution aims to keep customers satisfied through service by offering dry, temperature controlled and frozen goods.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
P. O. Box 29220
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