Business Summary
Tri Star Transport LLC is a United Arab Emirates based company that provides integrated liquid logistics solutions to the petroleum and chemical industries. It operates through six segments: Surface Transport, Specialized Warehousing, Ship Owning and Chartering, Aviation Fuel Supply, Fuel Farm Management, Turnkey Fuel Supply. Surface Transport provides fuel transport services. Specialized Warehousing manages a wide range of warehousing and lubricant distribution centers. Ship Owning and Chartering owns and operates chemical, oil and gas tankers. Aviation Fuel Supply offers in-to-plane refueling services to a wide range of aircraft belonging to a number of international airlines. Fuel Farm Management owns, operates and manages fuel farms. Turnkey Fuel Supply manages distribution systems and dispensing facilities, which include owned and operated a fleet of tank trucks and tailor-made marine and river transportation vessels. It operates both locally and globally.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Jebel Ali Industrial Area No. 2 PO Box 51328
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