Business Summary
World Wide Technology, Inc. offers configuration, integration and logistics solutions. The Company has over two million square feet of warehousing, distribution and integration space around the world, with the capacity to configure and integrate approximately 35,000 systems per week. It has integration labs in the United States and Europe. The Company operates sales offices and distribution centers across the world. The Company offers various solutions, which include big data, collaboration, compute and cloud, mobility, networking, security, software and storage. It offers demonstrations of software-defined networking (SDN) architectures, proof of concept labs for network designs, technology briefings, training sessions and other services. In addition, the Company's professional services organization plans and deploys complex solutions. Its Enterprise Mobility focuses on wireless networking, mobile application development and location services.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
701 Fee Fee Rd
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