Business Summary
The New School, located in the beautiful and vibrant New York City, is a nationally acclaimed, four-year university offering out-of-the-box education. This progressive university encourages intellectual freedom, artistic expression and social responsibility. Bachelors, masters, doctorate, certificate and continuing education programs are offered at The New School. Disciplines range mostly in the arts and social studies. The following is a list of the discplines found at The New School The New School for General Studies The New School for Social Research Milano - The New School for Management and Urban Policy Parsons - The New School for Design Eugene Lange College - The New School for Liberal Arts Mannes College - The New School for Music The New School for Drama The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music The New School is concerned foremost with a students ability to affect positive change in the world. Though The New School is not your typical university. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Academic & Educational Services
Company Address
66 West 12th Street
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