Business Summary
Roust Rossiya AO, formerly GK Russkiy alkogol' ZAO (Russian Alcohol Group Joint Stock Co), is a Russia-based company engaged in the manufacturing of alcoholic beverages. The Company operates under such brands as Green Mark, Juravli, Marussya, Black Sail, Parliament, Gerbovaya, Jamskaya and its product portfolio includes: Green Mark Wheat Vodka, Green Mark Rye Vodka, Green Mark Cedar Nut Vodka; Juravli Vodka and Juravli Special Vodka; Marussya and Marussya Special; Gerbovaya Vodka and Special Gerbovaya Vodka, and Jamskaya soft, Jamskaya Non-hangover and Jamskaya Strong Vodkas, among others. Roust Rossiya AO operates through four production facilities: Topaz Distillery ZAO, Siberian Distillery ZAO, First Kypazhniy Factory OOO and Parliament Production OOO.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
ul. Novoorlovskaya, d. 5
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