Business Summary
E Leclerc SA is a France-based cooperative company that operates a network of semi-independent hypermarket stores. The Company is active via Mouvement E.Leclerc, which is organized around three main structures: Association des Centres Distributeurs E.Leclerc (ACDLec), which defines the strategy of the Company; Groupement d'Achats des Centres Leclerc (GALEC), which acts as the central purchasing agency for all the retail stores; and 16 regional purchasing cooperative structures engaged in the wholesale distribution of products for all the E.Leclerc stores. It also includes specialized entities: SCAMARK, which designs and develops the Company's own brands; SIPLEC, which is in charge of supplying the petrol stations, as well as food and non-food product imports; and UNILEC, in charge of international development.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
8 Rue Saint Fargeau
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