Business Summary
Bahrain Financing Co BSCC is a Bahrain-based company that is engaged in foreign exchange services. The Company specializes in fast, reliable money transfers through a variety of services including Draft, Telex and Swift transfers. Other online remittance services include EzRemit, MoneyGram and Door to Door. BFC offers its services through two divisions: Retail and Wholesale. Its retail division offers smart money, international payments, EzRemit, MoneyGram, foreign exchange, drafts and travellers cheques, and its wholesale division is specializes in providing a wholesale banknote service around the world. The Company operates through a network of 25 branches distributed across the Kingdom off Bahrain.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
2nd Floor, Bab Al Bahrain,, Building 150, Road 1507
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