Business Summary
Rawabi Holding (RHCL) is a Saudi Arabia-based company that is engaged, together with its subsidiaries, in various business activities, sectors and industries. RHCL is active in the fields of construction and engineering, oil and gas, petrochemical, utilities, power and electricity, telecommunication and information technology (IT), trading and manufacturing industries. The Company is active in the single and multi-residential and commercial construction, industrial construction, industrial non-building constructions and steel buildings. It is also engaged in the production, drilling, refining, maintenance of wells and rental equipments of oil and gas, wholesale, retail and manufacture of power systems and products, integrated and wireless telecommunication services, truck cargo transportation and manufacture and wholesale of industrial gas detection systems.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Rawabi Holding Tower, P.O.Box 79800
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