Business Summary
JSE Limited is a self-regulatory, multi-asset-class stock exchange. The Company offers listings, trading, clearing and settlement (post-trade), information services, and issuer services. The Company’s segments include Capital Markets, Post-Trade Services, and Information Services (IS). It is a frontline regulator, setting listings requirements and enforcing trading rules. Its market data provides a range of reliable and transparent market data products to market professionals and data distributors. It supports multiple use cases that require live data for JSE listed equities, derivatives and bonds. It also offers companies and products through various routes to market. These include fast track, special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), exchange traded products, sponsored and unsponsored depository receipts and others. Its Commodity Derivatives Market provides a platform for price discovery and efficient price risk management for the grains market in South and Southern Africa.
Country of Incorporation
South Africa
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
One Exchange Square, Gwen Lane
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