Business Summary
TGE Co Ltd, formerly Tae Gwang E&C Co., Ltd., specializes in the provision of electric automation control systems. Its offerings consist of preventive diagnosis systems, including acoustic measuring intelligent diagnosis (AMID) systems, coupling sensor measuring intelligent diagnosis (CMID) systems, ultra-high frequency (UHF) measuring intelligent diagnosis (UMID) systems and others; electric power information technology (IT) products, such as extreme total automation solutions (X-TASs), remote terminal units (RTUs), video monitoring/control systems, and optical communication solutions; wire/wireless remote observation control systems, including dam and reservoir floodgate management systems, water control systems and city gas static pressure management systems, and satellite solution services, such as overseas satellite services and system network integration services. It also provides security solutions, broadband wireless communication equipment and radar sensor products.
Country of Incorporation
Korea; Republic (S. Korea)
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
204-3, Anyang 7-Dong, Manan-Gu
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