Business Summary
Al Ghurair Group is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged, through its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, in a range of activities in different business sectors. The Group operates eight strategic business units that are part of three main lines of businesses (LOB's): Real Estate and Shopping Malls, Manufacturing (Packaging Solutions and Metals), and Investments. Al Ghurair Group owns and manages Burjuman Mall and Reef Mall. The Company's subsidiaries include Gulf Extrusions, which is aluminum extrusion facility located right next to Dubai, Arabian Can Industry, Arabian Packaging, and Taghleef Industries, which produces and markets thin plastic film and thin aluminized film.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
Al Ghurair Group Building, Salahuddin Road, P.O. Box 1 Hor Al Anz
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