Business Summary
Action Group Holdings KSCC (AGH) is a Kuwait-based holding company that operates and manages different subsidiaries engaged in different activities and sectors. The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides services such as Real Estate, Infrastructure, Construction and Logistics, Hospitality, Tourism, Retail, Consulting, and Training and Education. AGH invests in the local and Middle East and North Africa regional capital markets. Furthermore, AGH has financial investments in North America, Europe and Australia. AGH owns its subsidiary companies through its direct investments and also has a participation in associate companies where AGH is not a majority shareholder. Its various subsidiaries include Action Real Estate Company, Action Hotels Company, Lausanne Travel & Tourism, Kuwait Dynamics Limited, K-MIX, Bronzia Projects, Action Aggregates Company, Action Consultancy Bureau and MRI Network.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
Al Qibla Area, Al Shuhada Street
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