Business Summary
The Janes stamp of trust means supplying our customers with timely, validated, unbiased and relevant intelligence in a world crowded with increasingly unreliable information. With an unmatched legacy of more than 120 years, Janes has adapted, expanded, and developed its unique tradecraft while transitioning from a traditional military publisher to the leading global agency for open-source defence intelligence. Janes was started by naval enthusiast Fred T. Jane in 1898 to document the worlds fighting ships. Janes has since evolved into a provider of unique, proprietary open-source data, with a global team of almost 400 subject matter experts delivering analysis spanning 41,000 pieces of equipment across air, land and sea, and more than 1 million events that impact risk or security. Janes became an independent business in December 2019 under the ownership of Montagu Private Equity. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
Sentinel House, 163 Brighton Road
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