Business Summary
Inertia Beverage Group, Inc., also known as WineDirect, Inc., is a United States-based company, which provides direct sales and technology solutions to the wine industry. The Company offers direct-to-market solutions such as wineries, retailers and wholesalers with e-Commerce technology, compliance tools, logistics solutions, state-of-the-art shipping and outbound hospitality services that deliver access to new markets, consumers and products. Its eCommerce provides shopping cart, advanced CMS, CRM and marketing, integrations, wine club, allocations and direct-to-trade services. Its tools help in order automation, fulfillment integration, and credit card processing. The Company also provides training and support services.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Suite 200, 1190 Airport Blvd.
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