Business Summary
Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), a member of TECOM Investments, is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the provision of different medical and healthcare services for patients. The Company, which has over 90 medical facilities, offers several healthcare services and specialties, including acupuncture, aesthetic , allergy and immunology, anesthesiology, cardiovascular disease, chiropractic, clinical cardiac electrophysiology, clinical/anatomical, pathology, counselor, critical care medicine, dental hygienist, dentistry, dermatology , ear, nose and throat, emergency medicine, endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, family medicine, gastroenterology, general practice, general surgery, gynecologic oncology, hematology, homeopathy, neurology, nutrition, obstetrics and gynecology, occupational medicine, occupational therapist, ophthalmology ,optometrist, oral maxilo-facial surgery, orthodontics, orthopedic surgery, osteopathy, pain medicine and pediatric dentistry.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
Dubai Healthcare City, P.O. Box 66566
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