Business Summary
Marine Subsea AS (Marine Subsea) is a Norway-based oil service company with a focused on the West African Offshore market. The Company’s activities are structured into two business segments, namely Offshore Accommodation, and Chartering and Logistics. The Offshore Accommodation segment provides support to existing platforms or infrastructure during offshore construction or modification and maintenance. Its Chartering and Logistic division offers management and logistics services for own and chartered vessels. As of December 31, 2010, Marine Subsea’s subsidiaries included Marine Subsea Cyprus Holding Ltd, Marine Subsea Inc, Interoil Angola Lda and Marine Subsea Nigeria Ltd. As of November 2010, the Company terminated its Subsea Construction & Well Intervention segment.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Strandveien 50
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