Business Summary
Town Center Bank (the Bank) is a provider of financial services. The Bank provides financial services through its offices in Frankfort and New Lenox, Illinois. The Bank's primary deposit products are checking, savings and term certificate accounts, and its primary lending products are residential mortgage, commercial, commercial real estate, construction, land development and consumer loans. The Bank offers personal banking and business banking services. Its personal banking services include personal deposit products, automated teller machine (ATM) /debit rewards card, personal loans, personal credit card, and Xpress deposit. Its business banking services include business deposit products, business loans, remote deposit capture, business credit card, and remote deposit. The Bank’s service available through online and mobile banking, include check balances, view account activity, transfer funds, schedule automatic payments, recurring payments, custom reports, and others.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
1938 E. Lincoln Highway Unit 201
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