Business Summary
Leminar AC Industries LLC (Leminar), a member of the Al Shirawi Group, is a United Arab Emirates-based manufacturer of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) ducting in the Gulf. Leminar produces Rectangular and Spiral HVAC Metal Ducting, Volume Control Dampers, Sound Attenuators, Filters (Aluminum Air Filters/Synthetic Media Filters), Access Doors, VAV Units, Sand Trap Louvers, Stainless Steel and Aluminum Ducts and Accessories. Moreover, Leminar has licensed agreements with various companies including Spiro, for the manufacturing of the patented round ducting systems; KIMMCO, for manufacturing of pre-insulated glass ducts; and Galloway Acoustics, UK, for manufacturing of sound attenuators and their complete range of acoustic products. Completed projects by the Company include Dusit Dubai Hotel, United Arab Bank Building, Holiday Inn Hotel, Hospital at Dibba and United States Army Base, Iraq.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Plot No: 532-243, Saih Suhaib 3,, PO Box: 33539, Dubai Industrial City
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