Business Summary
Toy Industry Association, Inc. (TIA) is the not-for-profit trade association representing all businesses involved in creating and bringing toys and youth entertainment products to kids of all ages. TIAs nearly 750 members account for approximately 90% of the annual U.S. domestic toy market of $22B.* TIA has a long history of leadership in toy safety, including responsibility for the development of the first comprehensive toy safety standard. TIA members and staff continue to work with government officials, consumer groups and industry leaders on ongoing programs to ensure safe play. TIA serves as the industrys advocate on legislative and trade issues; enhances the image and growth of the industry by promoting toy products at its trade shows and events, in the media, and via other means; and fosters philanthropy to children via the Toy Industry Foundation and its Toy Bank. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
1115 Broadway Ste 400
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