Business Summary
Supreme Foods Co (SFC) is a Saudi Arabia-based company engaged in the meat processing industry. The Company is a manufacturer of a wide range of poultry red meat and deli meat products. SFC’s products include chilled and frozen chicken, either in bags or tray wrapped, a range of chicken portions, either chilled or frozen, cooked meat products derived from chicken, beef, turkey and veal, and fully cooked chicken burgers, nuggets, and other convenience products. Its new ranges include marinated whole birds and portions as well as IQF portions. SFC distributes a wide range of products, including coffee, children's beverages, frozen bakery products, frozen vegetables and dairy. Chilled chicken is SFC's core product and sells under the brand name TANMIAH.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
Takatoa Sharae Amr Bin Abd Al Aziz Maa Sharae Fatmah Zahraa, Hai Al Rabwa S B 86909
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