Business Summary
Horeca Trade LLC (Horeca), part of the Bidvest Group, is a United Arab Emirates-based company operating in the provision of services and supply solutions to the professionals of the foodservice channel. Main services offered include sourcing and delivery of products, selection of various international brands, storage and distribution facilities, flexible stock ordering options, and product price comparison. The Company supplies various food products such as beverages, dairy products, fish, fruit, pasta, sauces, vegetables, spices and confectioneries. Brands supplied by the Company include LambWeston, Knorr, Hellmanns, Flora, Lipton, De Cecco and Royal Gourmet. Through the Horeca guide, the Company offers a choice of 225 brands and 1700 products from over 75 suppliers.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Drug Retailing
Company Address
Plot no: 597 - 974, Dubai Investment Park 2, P.O.Box 73021
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