Business Summary
Nafais Holding Company KSCP is a Kuwait-based public shareholding company engaged in the provision of healthcare services and the establishment and management of schools, colleges, institutions and training centers. The Company offers training courses, owns and operates real estates and movable property, and invests its surplus funds through portfolios managed by fund management organizations. It owns and manages four schools in Kuwait, namely A’Takamul International School, Gulf English School, Al-Mansour School and Al-Rawad School. Its subsidiaries include Al-Tafawoq Educational Services Company WLL, Al-Mouzon Real Estate Company WLL, Tamadrus Real Estate Company WLL, Al-Tafawoq International Educational Services Company WLL, Al Mansour Educational Services Company WLL and Mowasat Healthcare.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Academic & Educational Services
Company Address
Securities Group Tower Mezzanine, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, P.O. Box 13067 Sharq Safat
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