Business Summary
Plenary Group Pty Ltd is an Australia-based company, which invests, develops and operates public infrastructure. The Company develops long-term public-private partnerships/alternative financing and procurement (PPP/AFP) projects in North America. The Company offers its services to defense, education, health, government accommodation, justice, tourism, transport and water markets. Its Americas projects include Archives of Ontario, BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North, Bridgepoint Hospital, Communications Security Establishment Canada, Disraeli Bridges, Humber River Hospital and Ministry of Government Services New Data Centre, among others. Its Asia Pacific projects include ADF Single LEAP 1, ADF Single LEAP 2, Barwon Water Biosolids Management, Biosciences Research Centre and Casey Hospital Monash Health, among others. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane along with a consultancy in Singapore.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
525 Collins Street, Level 43 Rialto South
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