Business Summary
Home to the curious, brave and bold. Were a university where curiosity prevails, and where exploring new ways of thinking and pushing boundaries, isnt just encouraged, its expected. We were named University of the Year at the Times Higher Education Awards 2018 for our determination to do things differently and put student success at the centre of everything we do. Were proud to be gold rated in the Teaching Excellence Framework 2017 and we're in the top 25 for research quality in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide. We're committed to two things excellence in teaching and excellence in research. We put student success at the heart of our mission, supporting every student from every background to achieve outstanding outcomes; preparing our students to thrive in their future lives. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Academic & Educational Services
Company Address
Wivenhoe Park,
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