Business Summary
MK Azovstal' PrAT is an Ukraine-based steel mill. It produces mainly coke-chemical products, rolled products and semi-finished products, such as cast iron, pig iron, slabs, squares, rolled sections, plates, railroad rails, rail chairs, fishplates, as well as granulated blast furnace slag and crystal glass. The Company has four primary production complexes: coke-oven and by-products process plant (CO&BP Plant) - provides iron-making complex with metallurgical coke; sinter and iron-making complex, which includes three structural subdivisions: Sinter Plant, BF Shop and Metallurgical Slag Recycling Shop; steel-making complex, represented by BOF Shop, including two top blown converters; and rolling complex.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
Pivdenne Shose, Budynok 89, Kabinet 12
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