Business Summary
Allweiler Farid Pumps Co is an Egypt-based joint-stock company engaged in the manufacture of various types of pumps for different applications for the demand of the local and international markets. The Company produces, in cooperation with the German company Allweiler AG, a wide range of pump products, including Centrifugal pumps for irrigation, industry, agriculture, housing, fire fighting, and drinking water; Multi-Stage pumps for boilers, painting units and power plants; Pumps driven by diesel engines; Chemical pumps from stainless steel, which are being used for acids and alkalis; as well as Special Pumps for petroleum refineries. Allweiler Farid Pumps has a network of agents and distributors in the Middle East, Gulf area, Africa and Europe. Allweiler Farid Pumps is a joint venture between the German Allweiler AG and the Egyptian Farid Pumps Company.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
97, Kornish Elnile, PO Box 11231
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