Business Summary
Sonos, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures and sells audio products and services. The Company has developed multi-room, wireless audio products. Its platform has a broad range of more than 130 streaming content providers, such as Apple Music, Spotify and Pandora. The Company outsources the manufacturing of its speakers and components to contract manufacturers, who produce its products based on its design specifications. Its product categories include speakers, portable speakers, home theater, sets, architectural, audio components and accessories. The Company's products include Arc, Beam (Gen 2), Ray, Era 100, Era 300, Roam, Move 2, Sub (Gen 3), Sub Mini, Five and Amp. Its partner products include Sonos Pro, Audi Partnership, Sonos Radio HD, Sonos Radio, Sonos Architectural by Sonance, IKEA module units and accessories. Its Move 2 product is a portable, battery-powered smart speaker that delivers spacious stereo sound, with water-resistant design for outdoor and indoor listening.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
301 Coromar Drive
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