Business Summary
Cafe Coffee Day is an India-based coffee shop. The Company exports its coffee to clients across Europe and Japan. It sources coffee from small coffee planters. It offers a range of food items, beverages and other combo deals. The Company's food menu includes small eats, big eats/sandwiches, sweet treats, sundaes, cake away and dessert shots. Its beverage line includes hot coffee, cold coffee, international coffee, hot teas, cold teas, frosteas, frappe, chocoholicas, fruiteazers, sip n snack, slush, lemonades and quenchers. Its outlets include Cafe Coffee Day, the Lounge, the Square and XPRESS Outlets. It offers catering services in Bangalore, Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh and other cities in India. It has over 1,420 cafes spread across 209 cities/towns across India. The Company operates around 42 Lounge outlets spread across seven cities and seven Square outlets spread across four cities in India. It is a division of Coffee Day Global Limited.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
No 91/1, Kaggadasapura Main Road
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